Lipedema Surgery Before and After Photos are actual patients who had their procedures performed at Lipedema Surgery Center by Marcia Byrd, MD.

Our featured before & after pictures are actual patients who suffer from the debilitating effects of Lipedema. Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction (WAL) was performed to remove excess fat in the lower extremities, thus resulting in greater mobility and improved overall health.

In order to treat each patient’s unique physical condition, medical experts developed a system that categorizes the amount and location of fatty tissue. This system is a combination of staging and type identification to effectively treat lipedema. Learn more+
Patients who receive WAL treatment at The Lipedema Surgery Center in Roswell, GA are healthier, happier, and feel better about themselves than ever before!

before and after lipedema

Patient shares her one-year anniversary after her Lipedema Surgery from Dr. Marcia Byrd

A year ago she was wearing a size 20-22 in pants to fit her upper thighs. Today, she wears a size 10-12 in jeans.


Lipedema before and after photos

Lipedema Before and After Photo

Lipedema Before and After
Lipedema Before and After

Lipedema Treatment for the Front / Back of Thighs, and Lower Legs

This patient returned to the Lipedema Surgery Center to complete treatment on the of back of her thighs. Dr. Marcia V. Byrd performed WAL (Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction) on the front of her thighs and the front/back of her lower legs several months ago. Skin laxity is common as we age, experience weight loss, or undergo fat removal surgery such as WAL. This patient is amazed at her results and very happy!

Lipedema in arms
Arm Liposuction| Atlanta | Before and After Photos | Dr. Marcia Byrd

Lipedema in Arms

Approximately 50 percent of women who have lipedema will eventually get it in their arms. Like in legs, hips, thighs, and calves it can only be treaded with lipedema fat removal surgery.