Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) Tumescent Liposuction

Power-Assisted Liposuction(PAL) Tumescent Liposuction is the latest advance in lipedema fat removal. The “power” in the technique refers to the advanced instruments used to perform the surgery. Traditional Liposuction is performed manually whereas power-assisted Liposuction uses a mechanical cannula that efficiently removes fatty tissue with increased precision, less bruising and a faster healing time. According to medical experts and patients alike, power-assisted liposuction (PAL) is a gentler technique than traditional liposuction.  Atlanta tumescent liposuction and PAL specialist, Dr. Marcia Byrd, M.D., at Byrd Lipedema Surgery Center in Atlanta, GA. prefers this method for her lipedema patients.


Atlanta tumescent liposuction specialist, Dr. Marcia Byrd, treats each patient as a unique person and will adjust her surgery accordingly. She has developed her own custom treatment procedure which is what makes her one of the most sought after surgeons in the US and abroad.

She combines (WAL) Water assisted Liposuction along with (PAL) Power Assisted Liposuction, Tumescent Liposuction with the help of Vaser High Definition Liposculpture.

While the “power” may sound like it can cause more tissue damage, it is actually the opposite and is usually more gentle. The PAL technique uses a small liposuction tube (cannula) which has small vibrations at the tip. This breaks up the fat cells but does not injure nerves, blood vessels, or lymphatic vessels. Since the vibrating tip breaks up the fat, the cannula can be moved in and out through the tissue more gently than with other techniques. Because PAL is more efficient, more fat can be removed in less time.

Her patients rave about their results and find her to be one of the most coompassionate and caring doctos they have ever met. She has a tremendous 5 star rating on Google, Facebook, WebMd and more.

Atlanta tumescent liposuction