Atlanta Liposuction Specialist Breaks New Ground in the Treatment of Lipedema

Lipedema Specialist in AtlantaAtlanta, May 1, 2016 lipedema specialist Marcia V. Byrd, MD spoke last month at the Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) 2016 Conference in St. Louis, Missouri at the Marriot St. Louis Airport Hotel. This year’s conference was titled “Living with Lipedema and Dealing with Dercum’s Disease.” Dr. Byrd was chosen to address the conference about her unique specialization in treating Lipedema. Dr. Byrd is considered one of the leading physicians in the country that treats this disease.

Dr. Byrd expressed how pleased she was to be able to attend and participate in this year’s conference. She enjoyed interacting with other physicians from around the country who treat this misunderstood disease.  She was excited to share her treatment methods and success stories of the hundreds of Lipedema patients she has treated.

Lipedema is a condition that primarily affects women causing large amounts fat to concentrate beneath the skin on the legs and buttocks. If left untreated, patients can suffer from a variety of health related issues that not only affect mobility but vital bodily functions as well. The disease is not well known but yet it is estimated that more than 17 million women nationwide suffer from the disease.

Dr. Byrd uses her own proprietary method of Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction (WAL) to treat Lipedema patients. This procedure can be an effective treatment with good results.

The FDRS conference is an annual event that brings together physician leaders and researchers who specialize in the treatment of Lipedema in order to discuss, educate and network on helping to treat the disease Lipedema.

Lipedema Specialist, Dr. Marcia Byrd is the Medical Director and co-founder of Lipedema Surgery Center located just north of Atlanta in Roswell, GA.  A pioneer in minimally invasive anti-aging procedures and techniques, Dr. Byrd holds a medical degree from the University of South Alabama Medical College and trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of South Alabama Medical Center. She is board certified by the American Board of Regenerative Medicine.

For those interested in finding out more about this year’s FDRS conference, go to Also visit Dr. Marcia Byrd’s website where you can find more information about the disease and treatment options. You can also schedule an appointment on-line or by calling 770-587-1711.